Thursday, July 24, 2008

Lies, Lies, Lies...

Something I think that I have never understood about people is why they lie about such small silly things to their friends. I mean let's get real, number one we are friends so you should trust me enough to know that I don't care, number two the lying always comes out. So what is the point. There is none. I will give you guys an example of what I am talking about:

Background: D invited her friend from work to hang out with her and her friend S. S got M's number before the night was over. D and M are really good friends and S just talked to her for her first time.
S: So M texted me this morning and said she had so much fun last night with us. And she can't wait to do it again.
D: Oh really. That's nice of her.
S: Yeah it was.

Later that night at work, D and M are talking.
M: So S texted me early this morning and said it was nice to meet me and she can't wait to hang out with me again.
D: (looking confused) She texted you first this morning?
M: Yeah, I usually never text people first. See...
D: Oh that's ok. Well that was nice of her.

So what was the point of her making such a small lie, that doesn't matter. And I think it wouldn't bother me so much, if I knew she didn't do it so much. That is a big pet peeve of mine. Sometimes people lie, but when they lie about insignificant things constantly how are you to ever believe them. I really think she does it because she likes the attention. I use to know someone just like that, but luckily for me they are out of my life now. Except now I have met some one who is just like them. I just wish they wouldn't make up such dumb stuff. I don't give a * who texted you first, or who talked to you first, or if you texted or talked to them first. Doesn't really matter to me. A friendship based on the truth does. So if you are feeling the need to maybe lie to your friend, whether you want them to be jealous or you want attention, think twice. Because in the end the truth will eventually come out, making you look like an idiot and making your friends less likely to believe you.

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